We want you to join us.

8:30am | Worship
9:50 | Sunday school
10:50am | Worship

Wednesdays (Midweek)*
5:15 | Dinner
6:00 | Classes & Small Groups

* August - November. January - April.

We are a community together of Christ’s grace and truth. We are a worshiping body of believers. We are a learning community. We want to reach out to the world, starting with where we live.


Midweek at Highlands resumes this Wednesday, April 24. Please visit our Midweek page for dinner reservations and study topics.

May 19: A day of praise and celebration marking Highlands’ 30th anniversary.

9:00 a.m. - Service of praise and thanksgiving in the sanctuary.

10:30 a.m. - Joint Adult Sunday school class in the Fellowship Hall. Children and Youth will attend their regular Sunday School classes.

5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Barbecue and swing music on the church grounds.

Faith Promise for Missions: Please prayerfully consider how God may be calling you to participate in World Missions through Faith Promise this year. For those who currently give, please continue! If you would like to start supporting global missions, we suggest that you begin supporting Faith Promise at $10 per week per family.  Please visit our Missions page for more information.

Highlands: Telling Our Stories. Each week, a member of Highlands will give a personal testimony, followed by a time of questions and answers. The class will meet in room 211, and is hosted by Joseph Wheat and Wesley Rule.

            Larnie Shinnick - April 24

June 3-7: Vacation Bible School



Events Calendar

Current Sermon Series

Does Jesus Matter?

…a sermon series in Mark

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